2012 Night Rustic Reunion Cruise

aboard the Jewel of the Seas,

September 16-23.


Photo Album




Read Over’s narrative of the cruise.


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A Night Rustic Profile to Remember!

L-R: Tom Jamrosy R-30, Tom Canter R-31, Mike Thrower R-34, Don Mercer R-41, Mike Davenport R-24, Jack Strickland R-38, Meryl Shields R-37.


Fantastic Gorgeous Wives!

L-R:  Linda Jamrosy, Terri Canter, Noreen Mercer, Margaret Shields, ‘B’ Thrower, Lynn Davenport, Judy Strickland.


At Anchor in Bar Harbor, Maine


Someone asked, “Is this our lifeboat?”


Mouth-watering plate for Bar Harbor dinner.


Portland Statue Photo-Op found while exploring.


Peggy’s Cove just outside Halifax, Nova Scotia


Lobster and Scallop Boats in Dipper Harbor, New Brunswick


Portland Breakwater Lighthouse during departure


Lobster Buoys at Peggy’s Cove







We Need More Photos From The Cruise

Especially ones showing the group interactions,

outings, dining, playing, lounging, etc.


Please do not send cellphone pix as the

resolution may be too low to display well.


Email them to Zeke




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Read Over’s narrative of the cruise.


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Note: Please!!! As always, anyone having photos to display on NightRustics.com should contact the webmaster ASAP



